Moving the Citrix data store is a fairly straight forward practice. Often times a farm is created with an Access database as a data store, but this does not lend itself well to a scalable, highly available environment. Here are the basic steps involved in moving the data store from Access to SQL Server.
- Create the a blank database on the SQL Server.
- Create a new DSN file that contains the SQL Server and database names.
- Save the DSN file to the %PROGRAMFILES%\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture folder.
- From the XenApp server, open a command prompt and navigate to the %PROGRAMFILES%\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture folder.
- Execute the dsmaint migrate command with the following parameters:
dsmaint migrate /srcdsn:[OLD-DSN] /srcuser:[BLANK] /srcpwd:[BLANK] /dstdsn:[NEW-DSN] /dstuser:[NEW-DSN-Username] /dstpwd:[NEW-DSN-Password]
- Execute the dsmaint config command with the following parameters:
dsmaint config /user:[NEW-DSN-Username] /pwd:[NEW-DSN-Password] /dsn:[NEW-DSN]
- Restart the Citrix Independent Management Architecture service.
- Copy the DSN file to all remaining servers in the farm.
- Execute the dsmaint config command on each server with the same parameters as above to establish a direct connection to the new data store.
- Restart the Citrix Independent Management Architecture service on all remaining servers in the farm.