Migrating the Citrix data store to SQL Server

Moving the Citrix data store is a fairly straight forward practice.  Often times a farm is created with an Access database as a data store, but this does not lend itself well to a scalable, highly available environment.  Here are the basic steps involved in moving the data store from Access to SQL Server.

  1. Create the a blank database on the SQL Server.
  2. Create a new DSN file that contains the SQL Server and database names.
    • Save the DSN file to the %PROGRAMFILES%\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture folder.
  3. From the XenApp server, open a command prompt and navigate to the %PROGRAMFILES%\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture folder.
  4. Execute the dsmaint migrate command with the following parameters:
    • dsmaint migrate /srcdsn:[OLD-DSN] /srcuser:[BLANK] /srcpwd:[BLANK] /dstdsn:[NEW-DSN] /dstuser:[NEW-DSN-Username] /dstpwd:[NEW-DSN-Password]
  5. Execute the dsmaint config command with the following parameters:
    • dsmaint config /user:[NEW-DSN-Username] /pwd:[NEW-DSN-Password] /dsn:[NEW-DSN]
  6. Restart the Citrix Independent Management Architecture service.
  7. Copy the DSN file to all remaining servers in the farm.
  8. Execute the dsmaint config command on each server with the same parameters as above to establish a direct connection to the new data store.
  9. Restart the Citrix Independent Management Architecture service on all remaining servers in the farm.

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