Category Archives: certification

Can Citrix Certifications Ever Keep Up with Product Releases?

Lately I have been on a tear when it comes to taking Citrix certification tests.  I’m eagerly awaiting the release of the exams needed to upgrade my CCEA to the new CCEE.  But a troubling trend has begun to emerge, the exams and certifications seem to have a longer development cycle than the products themselves.

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Citrix Certification Details Released

Citrix has finally announced the requirements to obtain their latest engineer and architect level certifications.  They have renamed the engineer level certification from the Citrix Certified Enterprise Administrator to the Citrix Certified Enterprise Engineer.  The architect program retains the same name of Citrix Certified Integration Architect.

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Citrix Announces New Certifications

Citrix has announced new certifications to go along with their new product releases as well as the changes to their course lineup.  The new certifications are described here: Some changes were definitely needed as the Citrix product offerings have significantly increased over the past few years.

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