The steps you need to perform to move ANIXIS Password Reset to your new server are:
- Download the latest version of APR from our web site (
- Install APR on the new server
- Stop the APR Server service on BOTH servers
- Copy APRSVC.DAT from the old server to the new one (in the APR installation folder)
- Copy APR.LIC from the old server to the new one (same folder as above)
- Use RegEdit to export the HKLM\SOFTWARE\ANIXIS\ANIXIS Password Reset registry on the old server
- Import the registry key exported above into the new server
- Restart the APR Server service on the new server
- Test APR and reconfigure your DNS records to point users to the new server.
Remember to set up a scheduled task on the new server to stop/start the APR server service so that you can backup the data store. The APR Administrator’s Guide has more details, including a sample script.